In September, Hollis Taggart will inaugurate its new street-level gallery at 521 W. 26th Street, with an exhibition of significant recent acquisitions, including works by Alexander Calder, Hans Hofmann, and Theodoros Stamos. The gallery will concurrently open a private viewing and storage annex across the street, with visits available by appointment. This consolidates the gallery’s operations in Chelsea, where it first moved in 2015. Together, the spaces provide Hollis Taggart with nearly 4,000-square-feet to host exhibitions and engage clients with select works of art in its inventory. The inaugural exhibition, which will open to the public on September 6, will be followed by an exhibition of mid-career and emerging artists, organized by independent curator Paul Efstathiou, in October, and a solo exhibition of works by acclaimed Pop artist Idelle Weber in November.
The new gallery space will open following a complete renovation that includes the creation of improved sightlines from the street deep into the main floor of the gallery, installation of new flooring, and construction of glass-walled offices, a library, and other functional back-of-house areas. The renovation will create an inviting environment to draw additional foot traffic, as the gallery transitions from its current seventh floor space in the same building. With the opening of its new private viewing and storage annex, the gallery will close the private viewing space it has been operating on E. 64th Street at the end of November.
“We’ve been in business for nearly 40 years, and our success has always been predicated on the quality of the artists and artworks we present, and our ability to recognize and take advantage of opportunities that address the interests of our clients and the changing market landscape. Our upcoming move is very much in line with those foundational principals, further expanding our presence in Chelsea and enhancing our visibility among existing and new audiences, while also improving accessibility between our locations. This move also coincides with the continued growth in our work with contemporary artists, an aspect of our program that will get further exposure with this move as well. We are very much looking forward to completing renovations and engaging the public and collectors in our newest transition,” said Hollis Taggart, the gallery’s founder.
Hollis Taggart’s program is characterized by the presentation of significant works of American art, and in recent years has emphasized in particular Post-War American art and expanded to encompass contemporary practitioners. The fall 2018 exhibitions encapsulate this programmatic vision, highlighting the gallery’s collection strengths as well as its ongoing commitment to supporting the work of under-recognized artists.
For more information on this exhibition and our upcoming exhibitions, please contact us at info@hollistaggart.com or 212.628.4000. For press inquiries, please contact Alina Sumajin or Sascha Freudenheim, PAVE Communications & Consulting at alina@paveconsult.com, 646.369.2050 or sascha@paveconsult.com, 917.544.6057.