As a sense of surreal uncertainty edges into the everyday, we thought it timely to mount a show exploring the dialogue artists have maintained with the uncanny, the visually ambiguous, and the weird. The works in this exhibition share an underlying current of aesthetic provocation, challenging viewers to reconsider their surroundings through an alternate, sometimes puzzling, lens. Artists such as René Magritte, Kay Sage, and Joseph Cornell have responded to political anxiety, personal crisis, and the small absurdities of everyday life with works that push the boundaries of form and subject. Their output rings true today, striking a newly relevant chord as facts are questioned and the unpredictable becomes the inevitable.
A small selection of Modernist works by Hannes Beckmann, Oscar Bluemner, Hans Burkhardt, Ralston Crawford, Manierre Dawson, Blanche Lazzell, Louis Lozowick, Giacomo Manzù, Alfred Maurer, and William Zorach will be on view as well.
Our 64th Street location is now open to the public between the hours of 11AM–5PM, Monday-Friday.